29 September 2009

The Agrarian Urbanite (October 2009)

I haven't been blogging because I have been busily working on the October issue of The Agrarian Urbanite.

Go read it.


16 September 2009

Where DC's Elite Eat

While many Americans go hungry, homeless and without proper medical care, Washington's Elite dine at places like Nora's Restaurant. As they and chomp down on fine organic foods like $12 dollar salads, $30 main plates and rich desserts; many Americans have expired food from the food pantry or eat pesticide GMO fruits and vegetables shipped in from Mexico (well, when they can afford to buy fresh produce).

My husband ate their last night being wined and dined by a bunch of DC folks who are interested in his research. Nora's is Bill Clinton's favorite restaurant in DC. So, obviously our US leaders are very aware of organic and biodynamic foods (page two) since Nora's touts their little restaurant horn about providing such fare. Yet, they still continue to authorize unhealthy and unbalanced systems for the rest of the US.

Is this a case of, "Not in my stomach! Oh, but it's okay for yours."

So what do you think? You should ask to see your representatives expense account.

P.S. I would have had the Maine Jonah Crab appetizer, the local Boston and Baby Spinach salad and Pan Seared Maine Diver Scallops.